Over the pandemic, Jen Cooke and Anna-Lisa Glad got to know each other virtually and realized they were peas from the same pod in philosophy and desires for well-rounded education within the scope of Sweet Adelines. They also realized their different skill sets provided many important ingredients to a recipe for what they call "Edna Mae's Masterpiece," following the mission statement of Elevating women singers worldwide through education, performance, and competition in barbershop harmony and a cappella music.
Jen and Anna-Lisa have come up with an in-person weekend-long regional experience that would cover many areas of individual, quartet, chorus, and leadership education. The framework would consist of a Friday night general session broken into two parts, a Saturday general session, pre- and post-lunch break out sessions, and a final concluding general session. Anna-Lisa and Jen would also be able to provide Sunday "coaching under glass" sessions for regional quartets and choruses, along with possible PVI sessions throughout the weekend.
Jen and Anna-Lisa have classes covering a wide variety of skill sets, including (but not limited to) membership growth and retention, understanding visual communication, authentic performance, vocal skills, how to grow a youth in harmony program, goal-setting for choruses, successful quartetting, director/assistant director training, marketing for choruses, and how to give a PVI.
CONTACT JEN and ANNA-LISA to Find Out More
Youth Harmony Camps with Anna-Lisa keep music alive.
Jen Cooke has a passion for journeying with choruses through coaching.
Anna-Lisa and Jen both bring a director’s perspective to the classes they teach.
Coaching choruses and quartets provide a wide variety of perspectives to Jen and Anna-Lisa’s teaching.